Trilemma of Smart Distribution Grid: People, Processes and Environment

S N Saxena


The paper has presented smart distribution grid from a new perspective of how the consumers (“Peopleâ€) and different activities (“Processesâ€) of distribution companies are interconnected. Next, discussion has been given regarding how the core thoughts of smart grids (“Energy Conservation†and “Demand Managementâ€) are helping in reducing degradation of “Environmentâ€. These three dimensions of “Peopleâ€, “Processes†and “Environment†are termed as “Trilemma of Smart Distribution Gridâ€. Each of these three dimensions is explained, in Sections 2, 3 and 4, respectively, using block diagram and simple desciption of each block. Further, recommendations have been given in Section 5 for distribution companies: (a) to follow guidelines and policies being issued by many authorities in Central / State / Local Governments; (b) to always keep in mind the benefits to “People†in whatever they do; (c) to conduct regular training and development programs for their staff to keep them updated about new developments; (d) to conduct free-training programs for industrial consumers to educate them about the latest trends in equipment and processes, so that they can plan for short-term and long-term measures for energy conservation and demand reduction in their operations; (e) to do cost-benefit analysis which would show them that they would get returns on their investments only if they take up large power-consuming city for making the grid “Smartâ€; and (f) to strengthen the distribution system in city to take care of large power demand expected from EV charging stations on city roads in next decade.


smart distribution grid; energy conservation; demand management; preventing environment degradation; distributed generation; planning and operation by distribution companies.

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Publisher: ilhami COLAK

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