Prospects of Solar Energy in Oman: case of oil and gas industries
The recent fall in oil prices made oil and gas companies to rethink their production strategies and optimize their expenses, while at same time, optimally extract oil in a cost effective way. A combination of rising oil demand and declining supply from the conventional sources is drawing global attention to the vast heavy-oil resources. Heavy oil are commonly developed with steam-based processes which, in most cases, burn fossil fuel to generate the required steam. However, tightening constraints on fuel, water, and the environment are some of the factors currently fuelling the interests to enhance the traditional steaming operations. The use of renewable energy system is the best alternative to achieve reduction of the high cost of energy supply and carbon emission. This paper presents prospects of solar farm steam generator based technology, in the southern part of Oman, where the requirement of steam for oil exploration is high. The Amal and Amin oil fields were used as case studies. The solar steam generator model was analyzed considering some of the technical designs in the enhanced oil recovery process, compared to traditional schemes used for oil extraction. With installation of solar based steam generators, gas consumption for steam generation and environmental pollution would be reduced substantially. Â Also, some of the benefits and challenges of the concentrating solar power steam technology employed were highlighted. The opportunities the solar farm could offer to the Sultanate in general were discussed.
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