ILQ Optimal Voltage Control for Biomass Free-Piston Stirling Engine Generator System

Ahmadou Ka, Yusuke Nakamura, Massahiro Fujiwara, Kazuki Sato, Hiroshi Takami


In this paper, we study the control of output voltage of Free-Piston Stirling Engine Generator (SEG) System. The Stirling is normally used by connected to the grid. The grid is very robust because grid can be considered as infinite bus. When the SEG is applied to the based power-station in the remote rural or disaster areas, the SEG must be operated as a standalone system or off grid power system, this situation may lead to unstable generation. To solve the problem, the ILQ (Inverse Linear Quadratic) can be used to realize robust voltage controller, in this paper we propose a new power generation system based on renewable energy sources specifically, wood pellet as the heat source. The experimental results show that up to 1.6kW can be generated from the generator system, and possible production of around 200L of hot water (45°C). In order to rescue us from serious conditions.



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Online ISSN: 2602-439X

Publisher: ilhami COLAK

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