SHA-512 based Wireless Authentication Scheme for Smart Battery Management Systems

Ihsan Cicek, Ahmad Al Khas


Modern cyber-physical systems depend on the battery backup systems for continuous service. Due to excessive wiring requirements, the traditional methods used for battery authentication cannot be applied to modern smart batteries, especially when they are composed of large number of cells. In this work, we proposed a wireless battery authentication scheme for use with the battery management system and the cells to prevent potential hardware attacks through the trojan cells. We designed a SHA-512 IP Core which operates at 157 MHz, and occupies 974 CLB slices and one block RAM on a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA device. We integrated the SHA-516 module with a synthesizable CPU to be able to create a real-world test scenario and finally we verified the correct operation of an example authentication protocol through a wireless communication channel established with the use of two ESP8266 based WiFi modules.


SHA-512; FPGA; Authentication; soft CPU; Microblaze; Battery Management System; Smart-grid

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