Design and Implementation of a Cuk Converter Controlled by a Direct Duty Cycle INC-MPPT in PV Battery System

Abdelhakim Belkaid, Ilhami Colak, Korhan Kayisli, Ramazan Bayindir


The performance of a solar energy system can be better by inserting a smart power converter with an appropriate MPPT control between the PV source and the load. The smart converter or the well-known as power conditioning unit (PCU) is employed to maximize the power extracted from the solar panel by real-time impedance matching, and to regulate the PV voltage level. The proposed PCU is equipped with a cuk DC-DC converter controlled by a smart energy recovery technique based on direct duty cycle INC algorithm. The review and validity of the proposed PCU model, which interfaces an MSX 60 module with a 12V lead-acid battery, was performed using the Matlab tools. The designed system works effectively and provides the best performance in transient and stable states, regardless of variations in environmental conditions.

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